
Avast makes emailing safe

Let Avast scan everything you download from your incoming messages, so you don’t have to worry about opening them.

Installs in seconds
Automatic regular updates
99.6% detection rate

Attachments can be dangerous

That funny pic your friend just forwarded to you? It could be hiding a virus. Thankfully, Avast automatically scans all your email attachments to protect your PC - and everything on it - from viruses and malware.

Stop online spies and snoops

Don’t let hackers hijack your email

Hackers can compromise your email, and harvest your friends’ or family’s email addresses. Don’t be the one to spread the bad stuff to your contacts - even unintentionally. Stop viruses in their tracks, with Avast.

Stop online spies and snoops
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Avast Free Antivirus

Make emailing safe with Avast Free Antivirus.