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Get award-winning antivirus

Compare our award-winning security products to choose the best for you. Join the hundreds of millions of users who trust Avast to keep them safe.

security layers

6 layers of security

virus scanner

Powerful virus scanner

faster browsing

No slowdowns or interruptions



  • Hundreds of millions of users
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Available for all operating systems: PC, Mac, Android, and iPhone/iPad
Premium Security
Save 50%


99.99 /first yr
It works out as $4.17/month.

Covers 10 devices

Savings compared to renewal price $99.99/year. Subscription details

Save 43%


139.99 /first yr
It works out as $6.67/month.

Covers 10 devices

Savings compared to renewal price $139.99/year. Subscription details

Block viruses and other malware

Detect viruses, ransomware, and other threats in real-time.

Scan for Wi-Fi security weaknesses

Find intruders and security weaknesses in your network.

Get an extra layer of ransomware security

Protect personal photos and files from being encrypted by hackers.

Avoid fake sites for safer shopping

Stop criminals from stealing your passwords and banking info.

Safely run suspicious apps

Sandbox any app to test if itā€™s safe before running it on your computer.

Lock out hackers with an advanced firewall

Keep hackers from sneaking onto your PC and stealing your data.

Stop webcam spying

Prevent strangers from watching you via your webcam.

Permanently shred sensitive files

Securely delete files to ensure that no one recovers them.

Automatically update apps

Reduce security risks by keeping your other apps up-to-date.

Install on all your devices

Advanced protection for up to 10 devices (PC, Mac, Android, and iOS)

Includes Avast Cleanup Premium

Remove hidden junk, free up disk space, and speed up your computer.

Includes Avast SecureLine VPN

Encrypt your internet connection for safe and private browsing.

Includes Avast AntiTrack

Disguise your digital fingerprint to avoid personalized ads.

  • Hundreds of millions of users
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Available for all operating systems: PC, Mac, Android, and iPhone/iPad
Premium Security
Save 50%


99.99 /first yr
It works out as $4.17/month.

Covers 10 devices

Savings compared to renewal price $99.99/year. Subscription details

Save 43%


139.99 /first yr
It works out as $6.67/month.

Covers 10 devices

Savings compared to renewal price $139.99/year. Subscription details

Block viruses and other malware

Detect viruses, ransomware, and other threats in real-time.

Scan for Wi-Fi security weaknesses

Find intruders and security weaknesses in your network.

Get an extra layer of ransomware security

Protect personal photos and files from being encrypted by hackers.

Avoid fake sites for safer shopping

Stop criminals from stealing your passwords and banking info.

Safely run suspicious apps

Sandbox any app to test if itā€™s safe before running it on your computer.

Lock out hackers with an advanced firewall

Keep hackers from sneaking onto your PC and stealing your data.

Stop webcam spying

Prevent strangers from watching you via your webcam.

Permanently shred sensitive files

Securely delete files to ensure that no one recovers them.

Automatically update apps

Reduce security risks by keeping your other apps up-to-date.

Install on all your devices

Advanced protection for up to 10 devices (PC, Mac, Android, and iOS)

Includes Avast Cleanup Premium

Remove hidden junk, free up disk space, and speed up your computer.

Includes Avast SecureLine VPN

Encrypt your internet connection for safe and private browsing.

Includes Avast AntiTrack

Disguise your digital fingerprint to avoid personalized ads.

Icon - Antivirus

Avast Free Antivirus

Keeping people safe & secure around the world

Using real-time intelligence from hundreds of millions of Avast users, we prevent more than 66 million threats every day.