Security: Knowledge & Software
A key part of the challenge is to have a fully secure IT infrastructure in place. It’s just as important to also ensure employees understand the true risks posed by data breaches or ransomware attacks.
This 17-step security health check takes you through each security topic to help IT teams and business owners understand the current security risks and bring light to topics you may not be aware of yet.
Often one of the biggest issues is awareness. Although IT leaders and security professionals are well aware of the impact of a breach, the flow of information to employees across a business can be more difficult. For smaller businesses, even owners and managers are sometimes unaware of the threats, and therefore little will – or can – be done to mitigate them. SMBs’ areas of expertise are rarely that of internet security, so it is no surprise that it isn't always front of mind. It’s more important than ever to protect devices no matter what type of device, where employees connect, or what time zone they’re in. Business can be done anywhere, anytime – which means that a cyberattack can also happen at any moment. How vulnerable are the devices in your organization?